Process: all materials must be submitted as one complete package via email to no later than Thursday, December 12, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by the Board of the Ashley Goetz Foundation. All student applicants will be notified of the decision around late December or early January.
Scholarship Submission Requirements: Each application should include the following materials -
Unofficial Transcript
Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Major or minor in rhetoric, or a major/minor in another field with a strong, proven focus on rhetoric.
1-2 Page Resume
Clearly indicate relevant occupational and community service experience, honors, and publications. Include leadership roles and corresponding dates.
Short Answer Responses
Faculty Letter of Recommendation: professors must draft a letter of recommendation on institutional letterhead and email the letter from their university account directly to Recommendation: Applicants may want to present the professor with their complete application package for reference.
Short Answer Questions
“All humans are storytellers. We each have the capacity to use words to bring about change, to cultivate something bigger than oneself. I want to record the changes I go through in my life, because I believe writing about these changes now may someday help others. I want to tell my story. I do not claim to be anything but a curious being, trying to make sense of the world. I am not interested in having followers, but listeners. All I want is for my words to be sent out into the universe with the hope that someone will catch them.”
Format: Use 1-inch margins and Calibri, 14-point font. Be clear and concise in your responses. Do not include any bibliographies, publications, citations, or links to websites or external files/materials.
Applicant Information: Include the following information at the top of the document - Name, DOB, University, Major, Minor (if applicable), GPA, number of units completed, Email, Phone
Short Answer Content: Write ~250 words per question. Use your application as an exercise in concise self-expression, originality, and individuality. Tell us your story. Consider each question the start of a new chapter in the same narrative, each section adding a complementary, yet, novel piece. Do not draft what you think a “perfect” application would be. Demonstrate your true passion(s) – what are you doing now and how does it connect to what you want to do in the future? Be genuine and candid. A good application authentically and creatively introduces the applicant to the panel and shows their unique motivations, experiences, accomplishments, and life goals.
Tell us about yourself. What is your story? This can include, but is not limited to, your personal/family history; influences on your intellectual development; educational, professional, and cultural opportunities (or lack thereof) to which you have been exposed; special interests and skills; and the ways in which these experiences have impacted you and your personal and professional growth.
Describe any social and/or economic impacts you have encountered that influenced your education – either positively or negatively – and how you have dealt with them. What impact would this scholarship have on your academic, personal, and professional development?
Briefly describe your most significant experience, leadership or otherwise, in a community service or public/campus activity. How did your actions impact the group, community, or campus?
What career plans, community service, and/or life goals do you hope to achieve with a major/minor that focuses on rhetoric? What issues, needs, or problems do you hope to address? Specify how your academic program will assist you in achieving these goals.
What additional information do you wish to share with the Ashley Goetz Foundation?